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Guide to pruning trees

Here is your guide to pruning tress in Southern Minnesota.


Alder Late May to June, minor pruning in Spring

Amelanchier Anytime

Ash Anytime

Birch Late May to June, minor pruning in Spring

Black Walnut May - June

Butternut Late May to June, minor pruning in Spring

Catalpa Anytime

Crabapples Anytime - Late Winter/Early Spring

Elm Anytime

Fruit Trees Late Winter is best

Ginko Anytime

Hackberry Anytime

Hawthorn Anytime

Hazelnut Anytime

Honeylocust Late Fall - Spring, before June

Horsechestnut Late Winter, Early Spring

Ironwood Early Spring

Ivory Silk Lilac Only after flowering (in two weeks)

Kentucky Coffeetree Anytime

Linden Anytime

Magnolia Only after bloom

Maple May - Summer is best

Mountain Ash Late Winter/Early Spring

Mulberry Anytime

Oak November - march to prevent Oak wilt

Pears After bloom is best

Plum After bloom is best

Poplar Late Winter/Early Spring

Redbud After bloom is best

Willow Late Winter/Early Spring, less canker


Althea Anytime - Blooms on new wood

Amelanchier After bloom is best

Aronia After bloom is best/or renewal prune

Barberry Anytime - Renewal prune in Spring

Boxwood Anytime

Buddlia Early Spring - 6" from ground

Caryopteris Early Spring - 6" from ground

Clethra Early Spring

Cotoneaster After bloom is best

Alpine currant Anytime

Diervilla Anytime

Dogwood Anytime - renewal pruning in Spring

Elderberry Early Spring - severely prune

Forsythia After bloom in Spring

F. Bronx & Citrus Swizzle Anytime

Fothergilla Early Spring

Hazelnut Early Spring

Honeysuckle Early Spring - renewal prune/shape anytime

Hydrangea Annabelle To the ground each Spring

Hydrangea Arborescence To the ground each Spring

Hydrangea All Summer Beauty Trim to live wood in Spring and remove old blooms

Hydrangea Endless Summer Trim to live wood in Spring and remove old blooms

Hydrangea PG Before new growth in Spring ONLY! Prune to desired size and shape

Hydrangea Paniculata Before new growth in Spring ONLY! Prune to desired size and shape

Hydrangea Tardiva Before new growth in Spring ONLY! Prune to desired size and shape

Hydrangea Pink Diamond Before new growth in Spring ONLY! Prune to desired size and shape

Hypericum Early Spring

Ilex After bloom, renewal prune late Winter/early Spring

Kerria Early Spring

Lilac Immediately after bloom ONLY!

Maple shrubs Anytime

Mockorange Immediately AFTER bloom. Can be cut severely

Ninbark After bloom, renewal prune if needed

Potentilla Spring. Take out some old wood to ground

Privet Anytime

Prunus After bloom

Quince Anytime

Rhododendron/Azelea Immediately after bloom - lightly

Snowberry Early Spring, before new growth

Sorbaria Early Spring, before new growth

Spirea-Small reblooming Early Spring and right after bloom

Spirea Grefsheim After bloom

Spirea Prunifolia After bloom

Spirea Renaissance After bloom

Spirea Snowmound After bloom

Spirea Van Houtteii After bloom

Stephanandra Anytime

Sumac - Most varieties Early Spring is best

Sumac Gro Low Anytime for shape

Viburnum After bloom only or renewal prune in Spring

Weigelia After first bloom in Spring

Willow Before new growth in Spring

Witchhazel Before new growth in Spring

Woadwaxen Shear before new growth in Spring

Yucca Early Spring - Leave center spike and remove damaged foliage


Landscape types To good wood in Spring/deadhead

Lucida After bloom - leave new canes from base

Red Leaf Rose After bloom - leave new canes from base

Rugosa types Early Spring to ground

Setigera After bloom - leave new canes from base

Theresa Bugnet After bloom - leave new canes from base

William Baffin After bloom - leave new canes from base


Arborvitae Early Spring to before July 4th

Evergreens Early Spring to before July 4th


Late fall if disease or mildew present early Spring

BESusan/AJ Sedum Dwarf cut after plant is 8-10" (in half)


Early Spring ONLY!!


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